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My Vintage Barbies
The U.S. Olympic Gold Medal Dolls 1975-1976
With the upcoming Olympic Games approaching, this early promotional Barbie Gold Medal doll arrived on the market January 1975. Mattel had a two year multi-million dollar advertising campaign with the Olympics, so they were very anxious to get these dolls in the market place. A few weeks later additional Gold Medal dolls were available in other Olympic sporting events. These dolls were for sale through 1976, the year of the summer Olympic games in Montreal, Canada with opening ceremonies beginning on July 17th, 1976. Barbie is a Sunset Malibu Barbie from 1973. The U.S. dolls did not have wrist tags but #7233 Gold Medal Barbie Canada (1975) did have a wrist tag and came with a different box.

Marking: Dolls #7233, #7262, #7264, #9042 and #7263 marked as follows: ©1966/ Mattel, Inc./U.S.& Foreign/ Pended/Other Pat's/ Pending/Made In/Taiwan. #7379 and #7380 are marked: © 1967 Mattel, Inc. U.S. Pat'd. U.S. Pats. Pend. Made in Korea #7261 is marked: © 1968 Mattel, Inc. Taiwan U.S. & Foreign Pat'd. Pat'd. in Canada 1967.
There was an arm patch & Special Gold Medal Offer that expired June 30th, 1977 that came with each doll. Mail in the coupon with $1.00 and receive U.S. Olympic Record Book, Olympic Sheild and a Olympic Medal.
#7261 Gold Medal Skier Ken
#7263 Gold Medal P.J.
#7233 Gold Medal Barbie (1975-1976)
#7262 Gold Medal Skater
#7264 Gold Medal Skier (1975-1976)
#9042 Sears Catalogue Exclusive Gold Medal Winter Sports Barbie (1975) same as #7264 Gold Medal Skier. She was only available in the catalog. She came with a change of clothes.
Gold Medal Skater Barbie
#7379 Gold Medal Skipper (Europe)
Gold Medal Skier Barbie
#9044 came with the same clothes as 7233 (but a different marking). She had a total of 3 complete outfits in her set (parade dress, swim suit, and skating dress). She was the only U.S. version Gold Medal Barbie body that had the made in Korea marking.
Gold Medal Winter Sports Barbie
#9042 change of clothes for Gold Medal Winter Sports Barbie
Gold Medal Canadian Barbie Box
#7233 Canadian Box (75-76) She came with a wrist tag.

#7379 Gold Medal Skipper doll was a promotional doll specially designed for the Olympics. She was a Malibu Skipper doll dressed in Olympic Sports attire along with a gold medal and gear. She was available only in Europe.
Buy Gold Medal Dolls
Gold Medal Barbie Gold Medal Barbie
#9044 Gold Medal Barbie Sears Exclusive in store set (1975) Made in Korea
Here is part of the back of the box for #9044
Gold Medal P.J. Gold Medal P.J.
Brad & Curtis
Buffy (& Mrs. Beasley) & Carla
Francie (1966-1971)
Francie (1972-1976)
Ken (1961-1967)
Ken (1969-1976)
Miss America
Pretty Pairs (Lori, Nan, Angie)
Skipper (1964-1971)
Skipper (1972-1976)
Truly Scrumptious
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Barbie's Fashions 1963-1964
Barbie's Fashions 1965-1966
Barbie's Fashions 1967-1968
Barbie's Fashions 1969
Barbie's Fashions 1970
Barbie's Fashions 1971
Barbie's Fashions 1972
Barbie's Fashion Pak 1962-1965
Barbie's Fashion Pak 1966-1971
Barbie's Gift Sets
Francie Size Fashions 1966-1968
Francie Size Fashions 1969-1971
Francie Size Fashions 1972
Francie Size Gift Sets
Francie Size Pak Items
Ken Size Fashions 1961-1968
Ken Size Fashions 1969-1972
Ken's Gift Sets and Pak Items
Ricky's Fashions 1965-1966
Skipper Size Fashions 1964-1968
Skipper Size Fashions 1969-1972
Skipper Size Gift Sets
Skipper Size Pak Items
Tutti Size Fashions 1966-1968
Gold Medal Ken from 1975
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#7380 Gold Medal Ken (Europe)
Same Face as Skier Ken
Ponytail Barbie
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Swirl Ponytail Barbie
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Australia Gold Medal Barbie
(Photos Courtesy of Dean Reen)
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